no fear

Created by susan 14 years ago
you had no fear, your dad and I would take you and your sister swimming, I must hold the record in changing. I would change myself and Sharon in record time so I could be waiting for you to come flying out and jumping in, you couldent swim but that never seemed to worry you. You had a blue plastic tractor and one summer I was hanging out washing, I heard this rumbling and a voice going weeeeee. Instinct told me it was you. I dashed outside the garden and just managed to stop your tractor. You had not gave no thought as to how you would stop at the bottom. We took you and your sister to the fairgound in Blackpool. You both loved it you both wanted to experience the big rides. you would both stand on tiptoe to get on. We met up with your aunt,uncle and cousins. Your cousins of the same age would only go on the easy rides for kids your age.